Steamed Brownies (Brownies Kukus)

Steamed Brownies (Brownies Kukus)

200 g egg whites
1/8 tsp salt
110 g caster sugar
50 g margarine
65 g dark chocolate, finely chopped
85 g cake flour
15 g cocoa powder
1/2 tsp double acting
chocolate meises for filling

How to make:
1. Preheat the steamer and grease a loaf pan (24 x 10 x 7cm) with margarine and line with parchment paper.
2. Heat margarine until melted, add dark chocolate, stir until melted. Set aside.
3. Beat the egg whites until foamy, add salt and sugar in 5 steps. Beat until soft peaks form.
4. Add the sifted flour, cocoa powder and double acting to the egg mixture, stir gently until just combined.
5. Pour the chocolate mixture, strirring until all combined.
6. Pour half of the batter to the loaf pan, and steam for about 5 minutes. Sprinkle with chocolate meises.
7. Pour the remaining batter into loaf pan, and continue steaming for about 15 minutes.


200 g putih telur
1/8 sdt garam
110 g gula pasir
50 g margarin
65 g dark chocolate, potong-potong
85 g tepung terigu protein sedang
15 g cocoa powder
1/2 sdt double acting
cokelat meises secukupnya

1. Panaskan alat kukusan dan olesi loyang loaf ukuran 24 x 10 x 7cm dan alasi dengan kertas roti.
2. Lelehkan margarin, lalu tambahkan potongan dark chocolate, aduk hingga mencair.
3. Kocok putih telur sampai berbusa, tambahkan garam, masukkan gula secara bertahap, kocok terus sampai setengah kaku.
4. Masukkan tepung terigu, cocoa powder dan double acting ke dalam adonan putih telur, aduk asal rata.
5. Masukkan campuran cokelat ke adonan, aduk cepat hingga rata.
6. Tuang setengah adonan ke dalam loyang loaf, kukus selama 5 menit. Taburi dengan meises secukupnya.
7. Tuang sisa adonan dan kukus lagi selama 15 menit.